Monday, January 12, 2015

Going Wine-Buying With My Father Harry Alan Quinn Back In The Early 1970's In Paris, France And Visiting The Many Local Neighborhood NICOLAS Wine Stores, How I Started My Wine Career! Loved It, So Many Grand Memories To Remember Now And Share

My real start in wine was with my father in the really early seventies in Paris, France when we would shop in the neighborhood Nicolas stores and then I would work really hard to soak and scrape and remove these labels and others for the memories that they would help to bring back with more clarity to me later, and I am so glad I have them. They all tell stories that mean so many different things to so many different people. Cheers, Happy Monday all, January 12th, 2015 .... TONY
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  • Anthony Quinn
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Anthony Quinn added 3 new photos.
15 mins · 
A wonderful wine slice of the past, from the eighties, from the nineties? The brochure does not say so I look at the vintages and they are from the seventies and older, thus it is from the seventies when we arrived in Paris, France and my father and I would trekk down to the local neighborhood Nicolas stores and start to shop and buy our wines for the evening meals that my mother would make us five Quinns! Cheers, TONY Wonderful memories, really quite splendid.
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